Monday, May 19, 2014

Dear Mayor of NYC and Interview

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Thursday, May 15, 2014

He's in Re-hab......

The vastness of the Texas land driving from east to west is a story in land or even of the out-back like Australia, similarities.

There is a point in which it almost seems mirage-like.

The desert comes to a return radius that taxes the mind almost like in a covered wagon the pace teaches!

Reality shows it!

Since healing from pneumonia from mass levels and film as the secondary broad spectrum, I have been using the logistical of reasoning,

and have found that the virus code is very intricate and hardy, even predator, yet in a true transformation code just isn't  re-written, it is in a variety of states using time,. to the fullest extent of possibility that arises, helping the choice along toward avenues that are in line with that possibility not against.

It is called improbability or what faith calls a miracle.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Always has been yet now more a differentiable product.

A writer is often stolen from yet now with commodities research we find out how or part of

the reason!

The work is a whole body of un-duplicatable ideas and method,

a new equation!

the simple and the very very abstract........

Every team needs that individual who can almost seem absurd, because they in fact have a reasoning power if they have followed a actual line of theory to logic, even though new.

Many are fools, some of what is found or found out, as I was taught as a child is actually real gold; the panning, the difference?


Logic is the study of how to make inferences and reason out problems. There are many different types of logic you can learn about but a good place to start is logic concerned with learning, thinking, and argumentation. This logic is known as informal logic and it is associated with creating sound arguments, identifying premises, identifying fallacies, and reasoning sound conclusions.
Informal logic is the best place to start in my opinion. The student of the mind will need rudimentary knowledge of other types of logic but informal logic is a great preparatory foundation. When studying logic you don’t need to study the history or biographies of the famous philosophers of old. All we need is a grasp of the methods and mechanics they employed.
On this page are links to articles and other sites where the student or logician can increase knowledge of logic. If you are following the 3 steps, focus on informal logic, then you can move onto logical fallacies. The other types of logic can be very technical to learn at first.

The Human Brain & Logic

The human brain is set up to understand the universe in a principled structured way. I’m not saying that the human brain is always logical, but that the brain filters truth by logic. When I said “understand the universe” I mean that true understanding of the universe does not involve fantasy and fiction stories. Logic is not relative, it is the absolute way of a human brain to understand a given principle at a given time. Logic dictates that an apple is an apple and not an elephant. Without there being some sort of constant by which to measure reality 2+2 might equal 389 and an apple might turn into an elephant.

Helpful Links on Logic

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Oasis for Cinco de Mayo

Listening to Jazz there becomes the situation of the trained and untrained ear, to sound.

Jazz that just believes to be off key in some way fulfills the bill,

of course is not jazz.

When thinking of parallel realities there could be that commonality.....

Many thinkers such as Hawkings are as far off base!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

featuring the newest Lockheed Martin

in building along with Boeing, the next generation robot, Oh I mean equipment for

space planes, generation, also.  Lockheed is in Colorado also and have a reputation for

assembly-line human resource activity rather than a think tank scenario as facebook claims,

yet more of a a strict group think...

That is probably realistically the same at Facebook also.

At CSU, Ft Collins, the hush hush information was to not stand out for better hiring potential.

Jazz Festival, new chords----New Orleans

Batman is a movie that could possibly have franchise comic news.

The symbol of a city in need of new ideas and ethical interpretation of rule of law, progresssion from

caveman lack of elegance in solving or not solving anything.

When did tribes like the Mayan begin to have the foresight and brain power to conceive of more

sophisticated and therefore alignment to what Star Trek conveys, the passage?

Many thoughts for May and the Maypole.

Such as the Spiral and the Black Hole traveling circus and pilot program.

The evening news is on us, to satisfy the crowd, yet another new series on AMC.