Monday, May 11, 2015

I first wrote About Charles

in Albuquerque when he was just 7 years old, and was
extremely prone to bouts or constant episodes of psychotic panic.

the only one who could calm him, was Aya, a year older and
both living at the residential center, were the family to each other.

They were separated not long after.

When I took a job as a clinician a few years later at Ellsworth, I began writing about
Charles, now an architect and grown up.

That was 15 years ago and my passion was to be a writer.

This epic series is now more than 600 entries, just in the two major websites, not counting
the possible 1000 more on Facebook, Twitter and miscellaneous other sites.

It is an anniversary to celebrate what makes a writer!

Friday, May 8, 2015

The research center...

was very relaxed this Friday before Mother"s Day at the

below freezing weather blowing drifts.

The fire was going when the crew decided to plan,

a surprise drag queen party for Sunday.

They were going to dress up as their Mother for

a change in the days of winter dragging on!

Since the center was to have supplies,

the officer in charge found a box of mardi gra
balloons and decorations, the rest  would be

whatever could be scrounged around for luau like

grass hulas, for a mash like, looK! 

The crew had been just completing a big project having to do

with a chemical untested, and the theory was proving difficult to

find results in a commonality.

In other words

"all over the board!" the lead investigator, laughed.

Monday after the Sunday weekend they still felt some promise,

yet the briefing at 7 am, was a video conference from Atlanta and their

NASA twin support services team, had a very interesting idea.

If the protein they were studying proved illusive and adaptable,

why not try a different approach, they began, to lay out
some of the various scenarios.

Since Charles was there for a first time consultant position, he

began to formulate the architectural  viewpoint, a new type of

interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary  think tank method, for a differing

game plan, tracking this protein and the type of mal-adaptation, yet

Charles felt it might be like a building in a way,

going with a design, rather than, the sometimes better usefulness usual,

 imposing or forcing the situation or momentum,

waiting for Samadhi to occur, in training of course!

They began some drafts, and he ended up later than,

after all had given

way to tired;

 he saw something in the plans that startled him!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Ellsworth Air Force Base

South Dakota!

Actually as good a chef as Marcus, was in French food especially,

it was his garden that he most prized.

He wondered one afternoon in on one of the scientists, his best friend, on

ship they became inseparable, and Charles often sang

his guitar,  they way of his music, about,

early trauma having lived in a residential center.

Charles told Marcus that his cooking was his form of poet-like art!


Something about the drone of the radio against the Antartica sky,

Marcus was writing a letter home, actually keeping a diary,

for Sunflower, his daughter.

The field house where he was both gardener,

and chef, the galley held the best sortment of kitchen,

tools and machine.

His letter was part recipe, part, of his daily log.

Grace at the hairdresser

beauty salon, spa and races.