Monday, June 30, 2014

A Quiz.......

in order of the gavel.

What was the first ghost story,

a)    Edgar Alan Poe and the n-Baltimore Express

dining car and candlelight, candlestick......?

The place in the west side a gorgeous bungalow as we call them or did in Denver,

was the subject of a months pay, while the landlord sent the bug charades

or Shades of Grey, Highland hooked up, like a look of the old Bell telephone


Rusty was riding along team driving with a guy he met hitchhiking through South Dakota.

Both found the town of Rapid City, then found an apartment, a kitchenette where they could crash after a long run.

He daydreamed about the summer pool opening where he sometimes....felt Rock his best friend and cowboy/tracker associate.

There had been an abrupt separation and he felt the time to talk about it.

First he grabbed his belongings and ran for the truck he had purchased;

He was going to Colorado to figure some friends and a ghost story rendezvous, the Animas, where he learned the art of kayaking, up near the Box.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Sailing the Sale....

According to almost every news outlet the race for a quantum computer,

and the competition goes along the lines of a rabid outbreak, no one is lawful

everyone desperate and the march seems a parade without the whistle tool.

Somehow the Magdalene  Magazine,


Called the Director of computational mathematics, Los Alamos...

Looked for the atomic in everything,

found that a siliconism, sail, comes a cone.


Thursday, June 26, 2014

NASA and the news, astrophysics

Summer and Plots.

The Sante Fe morning was crisp with a mountain dirt to the road feel.

The misty sky with an aroma of a new and different, zany blue sky forming dawn.

St. John's college the day before sponsored a lecture on Newton.

An atomic session of a chemical integer improbability equation worked by first one mathematician then another in a bloom of understanding.

Bicycling, the Duke university scientist who said he was from a group day symposium openly was overwhelmed and settled into a more informal or real expression of himself, not so the catalogue rendition of a successful man.

He asked her for a date that evening for dinner at the Pink Adobe.

It was on the Old Sante Fe trail and the décor was as it had been all along its, pinkness evident.

Robert rented a limousine for the occasion, his black color an elegant contrast!

MORE ON TRAILER, parallel....

When Lou first met Pre he was 12 years old and smoking behind the shed of his neighbors compound.

Pre was not much older and asked for a cigarette.

Lou was stubborn and gave him one reluctantly, yet they struck up a friendship that
was based on a very intrinsic memory borne from that day.

Pre said he was a Prince from another land and Lou readily, openly embraced the truth and wanted to go to his land.

He just was not afraid of alternative or psychedelic fact!

Monday, June 23, 2014


A year later Summer/Sunflower on the ranch again in her trailer, for the second year.

Her studies at Columbia were getting to a very critical juncture.

Her major was International Studies, and she had spent an internship the semester at Legal Aide,

in the burrough of Bronx!

Pre and Lou, return to song.

Mars was a very beauty day and the sector shone brightly for the parade and street party, planned.

the celebration came at various sectors various times and the full magnitude still not known but


Lou was astonished!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Kano, Nigeria


there IS A SECTION, DEPARTMENT OF indigenous DESIGN studies and the walkabout of it is a metaphor for a kind of corruptness of the concept, the room is empty and the burro-cracy of the feel of it seems false  and an empty of the earthiness it should, convey.

The Architect of a solar home takes over on the design and the glass interior is indicative.

It clearly has the flow of beauty and love principle inherent in the design, with exterior in a means of reflection that mirrors the con-cave or circular, pie.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Saudi Arabia

Charles liked the desert of the capital and the flowing wines so forgotten the year of......quite without precedence.

His weekend in Florida fell through but one might say he didn't much care, he was in the Middle East and the, renditions of  a --------------------new sun about seemed to promise like the dreams he sometimes had. 

Today a Tuesday's sunlight so bright he forgot about his New York ways and seemed to gravitate toward something unknown.

The client liked his concept and all was well.

He swam as he did at home at 5am, meditating and memory of the day he left, seemingly almost months instead of days......

His friend Saul indicated that he was to meet an especially interesting Native American.

Since Saul always knew the most interesting artists of all kinds, Charles assumed as he drifted through the water, strokes that the artist was not unknown.

Breakfast at the hotel café, now he thought as he tired and felt the morning, his muscles in fitness, a physiological, miracle.

It was only a few years ago that he was laid up, after a car crash.

He had amnesia for weeks after and even his colleagues commented on the changes,

in his personality.

He felt splintered yet whole in some uncanny way.

After waking up he felt famished and was looking around for friends that didn't exist in the environment of his life yet he knew that they were somehow there in the un-there of his memory though it took a lot of concentration to even get a few bits of the places he knew were in his mind and the connections to these seeming very close friends.

His imagination seemed too dominate his way of life for awhile, and he liked that;

He knew that  his life had a depth seeming prehistoric and beyond, as though his menu of life had more options.

The New Yorker and the West, was won!

Another magazine that has artist quality writing and reporting, although somewhat predictable.

Also, the residents of the Big Apple flock to Sante Fe for the Opera season and Indian Market....

The crowd that usually snub their nose to other parts of the Southwest find the Capital of New Mexico, a home away from home.

We seem to have lost our European roots in traveling and the wandering spirit of gypsy moving about, accept Parisians, possibly the premier place to write and experience the lifestyle of the artist.

Fashion center of Calvin Klein to Gucci, and the House of Dior, the reflection of beauty in dress,
and ornamentation.

Turquoise in the walkabout territory of Arizona. the Navahoe dress of blue velvet, in necklace squash-blossom, like the desert diamond they listened to the wind, before the city took over;

as I do while writing like a European I tell myself! 

Somehow in the wind comes the night and the flight of a trance look at the speed of the space above, spatial becomes the desert, and reflects above, the roots I seek.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Venus and the past/future.

I am still it seems healing from the virus, called pneumonia and my viewpoint or view has multiplied

in an array or relay of the scope....

The Land of enchantment has been home to the wayward traveler especially part-time residents,

or artists such as Steiglitz and the surrounding conglomerate followers.

He was a photographer in which a writer myself would say his words were captured as a picture story.

Many down the HWY 66 would agree!

Mexico and Diego, oh what a Time....

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Architect

Charles was busy with making the final drafts of the plans for the highrise building he was designing in Saudi Arabia for a trader and investor on Wall Street with connections to an oil magnate and family prince.

He was flyoing out of Kennedy this evening, stopping off in Miami for a weekend fling with one of the women he was seeing socially, then on to the capital.

He ran for a cab and realized that time had gotten away from him and the rush-hour maze totally spoiled his quick jaunt.

Suddenly his college roommatye drove up and yelled for him to get in.

He seemed to know all about his trip and when Charles finally realized, the situation, he turned to find the road coming up faster than he had ever gone.  He looked at the speadometer and it started melting...

Just as he felt himself go into a panic, his roomate Saul, smiled and turned----- the blue suit he wore
seemed to cling to him in all the right places.

"I'll get you to the airport in no time....we might even have time for a drink!"