Wednesday, October 2, 2013

WOMEN, woman

The feminine or angels is that the symbolism of water, a hint at our sexuality in the divine.

Is gender the next hurdle for applying a biological beauty of the mountain top,

the river winding flowing toward the mass of a a circle in the potential for fertility or life itself.....

The female, even the female in male is the heart and love symbol of a higher transcendance,

the ultimate product for the triangle base or the means to carry, avector in mathematics.

To enter the variables to correlations of a pie equation for almost the center of the solar

non-intersecting quantification in prose of rays toward the  ceremony of renewal.

Today is the second day of October for the harvest moon and harvest of the farm crops.

I always wanted to live on a farm and in ways to write is a farm and harvest is the written.

Travel writing was some thing I found out about in Mexico after spending some time in Florida

researching the country; and found that once I was back in Tucson working for the Yaqui reservation,

15 minutes west of the city, in a very dirt- road mentality of walking the rez did an idea for a mer-

man story give birth.  I would like to write now about this motif and allegory.......

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