Monday, December 9, 2013

in the now and in the word....

Trajectories for space plane, 123---------------------and

the little prince, Aya heard these words distinctly as  she finished,

her lunch.  She looked out her window and was reminded of the space-plane that she shared a ride with

Rock, going on a rondevous. 

He was mostly speaking about the last meeting with Sol that she found herself dreaming with him...

Now that she was with the crew again she felt him close as though she was now connected to his parallel; things that were broken up memory were now smoothe and nicely proportional as far as her engineering mind could calculate....

All of this led to better communication yet the abrupt .............upheavals that coincided reminded her of the harmonic convergence, 1997, the summer of .

How the timelines of his sings, one called "the little horse" was very in a word order indicative of Rock and his walkabout with geology.

 He had begun to sing again and for that she decided to call Sol,  for the next step.....

He was at Nellis Air Force Base, flying back and forth from Reno!

She tried his Cell.

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