Friday, September 25, 2015

The Mountain is not Gone

I couldn't breathe when I was on that mountain. Rocky Mountains, a
place Everest, the view is quite the same, especially as the Continental review,

an independent theme!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday, August 21, 2015


and Environment or environmentalism,

After watching Power Ball as a late night, movie

with pizza and carrot juice



Can do.....

Top test pilot!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Space Sante Fe, remembering the comet......

I am exploring biosciences and the model relational, framing for limericks and how they are sound as well and linguistic in nature...........for business, planning documentation,  to marketing the product;


medicine, robotics----------------------------------------

in effecting mood in extreme trauma associations, and mild-ing the effects of withdrawal for substance addiction and dependence.

more examples......

laughing with Sunflowers

Summer at night sky

and the ship turned toward the,

Blue large oval Shape!

No sound could metaphor even  the feeling.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Sunflower and the letter at her window

and the Field in or across from her student Loft.

Whew a Lot to Say!


She told him that the seasons in Colorado,

made her time in Europe with him even more, the round-up,

given her school load was a little daunting for  A senior and

then she felt her roommate come into the study,

"Are you ready for Sushi",

they flew across campus, got off the light rail,

at University of Denver, met some friends there from the campus,

and walked to University Avenue; everyone excited to hear her read his

latest letter, now a Copenhagen mystery, he said, his biking to the

next race, in Holland....... every one of his partners going through

various minor injuries, yet they followed him, anyway........    

Summer only one more monthe the tree, and the Shaman,

only a crystal ball.........

Pluto in a square/

T-cells a galore or gala on the port side.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

tune in....I think a cigar is order!

television is about to change.....

The Counselor, HBO



Speeches on the Existential Reality of ...........?

John Wick movement,


Is unlock the same as hack?

The car commercial recently on television,

was clear,

to purpose,


"The Lake"

Our Lake which also has to do with e phenomenum, of


See this blog for all the excitement, and replication syndrome

all over the world, bigger than the Beetles, in the 60's!

Now the recent hacking in Flagstaff, at the Western Motel,

and the theft of pages, from the script of "the Lake" at the Motel 6 in

Denver, calls for safety and fairness for,


and for the Lake which is unpublished, for now!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

love of the poem

what do lovers whisper with the water

wave of ocean likenesses, 12, 21, the mayans

were close as the spoken language, and breath,

wholly, only the traveler of the course, knows

even silence a jealous above the cloud. 

Monday, July 6, 2015

in the key of smoooth........

Private Practice and Small Business Ethics

I have been thinking about what is a practice,

since I am a business minded and

mindfulness expert,

in how laws generally work, such as

how the Mayans were so accurate........

Our poem within and ..........inner space question.......


If the Grand Canyon was a poem

How would You see it?


lots of detail coming to picture, 

the actuality of Creation.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Summer and 23

My family origin

name of.........


but the maiden name of grandmother,

was Sornberger, of Russian descent in Germany,

during World War II.

When the Atomic bomb became the formula to create!

The NASA agency was formed after the War to further atomic

research in the form of rockets, and rocket power!

I was "borne" to family heritage, around this Time.

What a quest or question,

this is, since Venus I have made

clear is my true origin.

Am I an Alien? and does "Summer" have to do with their

tracking my every move?

Do I have the next Atomic Discovery?

Monday, May 11, 2015

I first wrote About Charles

in Albuquerque when he was just 7 years old, and was
extremely prone to bouts or constant episodes of psychotic panic.

the only one who could calm him, was Aya, a year older and
both living at the residential center, were the family to each other.

They were separated not long after.

When I took a job as a clinician a few years later at Ellsworth, I began writing about
Charles, now an architect and grown up.

That was 15 years ago and my passion was to be a writer.

This epic series is now more than 600 entries, just in the two major websites, not counting
the possible 1000 more on Facebook, Twitter and miscellaneous other sites.

It is an anniversary to celebrate what makes a writer!

Friday, May 8, 2015

The research center...

was very relaxed this Friday before Mother"s Day at the

below freezing weather blowing drifts.

The fire was going when the crew decided to plan,

a surprise drag queen party for Sunday.

They were going to dress up as their Mother for

a change in the days of winter dragging on!

Since the center was to have supplies,

the officer in charge found a box of mardi gra
balloons and decorations, the rest  would be

whatever could be scrounged around for luau like

grass hulas, for a mash like, looK! 

The crew had been just completing a big project having to do

with a chemical untested, and the theory was proving difficult to

find results in a commonality.

In other words

"all over the board!" the lead investigator, laughed.

Monday after the Sunday weekend they still felt some promise,

yet the briefing at 7 am, was a video conference from Atlanta and their

NASA twin support services team, had a very interesting idea.

If the protein they were studying proved illusive and adaptable,

why not try a different approach, they began, to lay out
some of the various scenarios.

Since Charles was there for a first time consultant position, he

began to formulate the architectural  viewpoint, a new type of

interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary  think tank method, for a differing

game plan, tracking this protein and the type of mal-adaptation, yet

Charles felt it might be like a building in a way,

going with a design, rather than, the sometimes better usefulness usual,

 imposing or forcing the situation or momentum,

waiting for Samadhi to occur, in training of course!

They began some drafts, and he ended up later than,

after all had given

way to tired;

 he saw something in the plans that startled him!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Ellsworth Air Force Base

South Dakota!

Actually as good a chef as Marcus, was in French food especially,

it was his garden that he most prized.

He wondered one afternoon in on one of the scientists, his best friend, on

ship they became inseparable, and Charles often sang

his guitar,  they way of his music, about,

early trauma having lived in a residential center.

Charles told Marcus that his cooking was his form of poet-like art!


Something about the drone of the radio against the Antartica sky,

Marcus was writing a letter home, actually keeping a diary,

for Sunflower, his daughter.

The field house where he was both gardener,

and chef, the galley held the best sortment of kitchen,

tools and machine.

His letter was part recipe, part, of his daily log.

Grace at the hairdresser

beauty salon, spa and races.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

better to buy than steal

The saloon held about 100 bar flies at a time,

all decked with tassle light fixtures and the motto,

I always like the falls at Sabina,

and the New York Times----

to hike in takes about an hour or two,

worth it,

and sunbathing on the Rock, s.

Women allowed the saloon boasted.

Friday, April 3, 2015

dining and Lot

Lot the brother, twin of Locke was on a European jaunt, speeding

 bilking and jaunting.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

a woman and the Los Angeles trip.....

writing is my field of career choice, I believe in a womans right!

I had a Stella on tap at the Caffe on Flower, after stopping off at the famous Library same street, Main.

and I played a little close to the, script of Pre being near by!

Lucy and the 5 minute session....

a yogurt answer, to a question?

what is a calcium content?

kilogram of a kilo,

metabolism of a fasting female...

Uh H we are watching!

Is the female a like tree the perfect 3.14,

in mind of the dream metaphor for Water!

to be .....a theoretician

I know that the streets are rough and the mime of the analysis

on so forth,

meaning, does it mean?

I wrote this walking for coffee, a heat is beginning in my town......

A Song!

takes the breath and the heart,


i saw a sign, and the lizard,

above we know we say!



Thursday, March 26, 2015

on the Rhine again the

runner made his way through the grassy area to a fuller picture,


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

the stones of lyrics and song

There is an interesting foundation related to Univ of AZ medical school of humanities and film with poetry and other social and environmental,..........

yet medical.

I spent some time how an eco-ecology can orchestrate


The Boulder Climate world of atmospheric with the cave dom of

different elevation-al departmental charting such as dreamtime we have shown

proof of.......... 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Venetians are out.......

the mirror knows what the other side,

of the ..........

We lived in a society of hunters, and now the Introduction will be

available, by dreamtime product, based in sign and order!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

the French Market lace..pi

Even at 12 I knew that a /

French Restaurant, the cuisine of actual city Parie

strange occurrence in Durango, Colorado

then and then


Pre got a telephone call

The W started a new buffet and happy hour

the films of the early 1930"s, with masquerading the

real reason for the..........


and see hot springs, the minerals are hot like the rocks of a sweat lodge,

1999  or 12 the century 

Neon and Sol.........successful rodeo

to what degree and the arsenic in tiny particles, I danced the  Venus pow wow and the floating, Neon.....

He met up with Sol, the space station........

The trilogy begins with a film to be on LOCATION, THE TRAILER

Independent film maker, from Gallup, Farmington to the Navaho phoenix...

early days Neon and the Martian high society set in the time, frames  advanced society, gathering. 

I at home things twirling around me weightlessness, on earth in Space.....How,

a miracle has happened......the lizard of Black Mountain, poem is the now again.......

Monday, March 2, 2015

the flight of of the Concorde

the 60,s and 70's the flight from Europe to New York,

the timing of the cross Atlantic......

Almost the event of the later 1900, the excitement of such a huge plane.

Now flying seems to have no adventure, that next length....

The Rodeo in Tucson, the best of the bull ride even that does not compare.

Even giving birth to my first child, to the ride in the contraction

of the birth of Universe, and the renewal of the vows of the

marriage ceremony.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

a private dinner and Pre's date

The beautiful secretary showed up and said a small introduction would begin,

in the disco downstairs if he would like to go.

She was to be his escort,  the dress was a silver combination of panel dress with a draped Greek look.

he was ready after running to the Tuxedo shop for a Japanese up and coming all the rage, menswear...

It was gray also with a touch of pink subtle fibers.

Her purse was the most expensive clutch he had ever seen.....gray beaded......

One was taken almost to the mythology of a certain Northern cold country,

remen-scent of wolves and the pack, Canadian stories of wolves and man,

and the Lycan that Canadians believed were of a studied phenomenum

extremely lost yet, were the beneficiary of the Rockies, a race borne of the

Rock as it rose in the geological upheavel, of inner and outer planet.

The elders knew much more!



Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Standard, Sunday and the Academy

Big Penthouse

Ah the penthouse. Our 915 sq ft Big Penthouse accommodates 25 and features separate bed and living rooms, a labyrinth sofa, a dining table for six, two huge flat screens, an oversized shower and soaking bathtub, flexible seating arrangements and catering services for cocktail parties, intimate dinners, meetings, trunk shows and presentations. For more information, please view our events kit below.

Pre was there to cover the parties hosted by the billionaire, like Gastsby,

a virtual unknown except to his parties known for journalists, invite only.

He was taken by a chauffer underthe employment he revealed amenities of his vacation, every year to his small town,   in France.

But his employer mostly a modern ascetic, eating only raw foods,

didn't even go to his parties.

He was taken to the Standard and told to wait by the phone....for decision on and Interview..

dreamtime story of the horse, base

air force in Tucson.....

even the history of the horse farm beginnings of the University,

yet see www.byline magdalene, home for

the fable tale of the


of carrying.....

the water is the goddess of the vase, sunflowers.

Friday, February 20, 2015

The medic spaceplane with lab

Forte picked up Rusty at his home base operations at the

refugee camp that was set up when they found, the tribe running out of water and supplies.

They were taken to a comfortable settlement not far from the planet in trouble.

The reunions were a sight.


Workshop in Tucson, this weekend....

The caption notes that much of the emphasis is living with "less" water when more environmentally sound and sustainable is to know the variables all involved in a choreographed musical chorus of mathematical aliveness.

I will be studying both this, following and also the International Global Health Conference at the University of Arizona, at the Medical School.  Few will talk about the state of the Pandemic actually in progress......

Lets see just how much honesty will abound now!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

University of Arizona, don't breathe on me......"letter to Kirin"

Check out their school of medicine,


they have a whole

area, a  degree program in medicine tele-biotech, tele-psychiatry and on and on, related

and ten more area, all advertised as one walks into the entrance.


I went to the School of Medicine.....yesterday----the library.....

Make a virtual map/file of all our work.

Sharpshooter guy is now mapping a chronology also of

how the virus issues...........

I' send as ususal our schedule,

clarify every time they wouldn't follow the protocols

Keep in very close communication.......



We made an entry, went to do some banking, complained about misuse of my accounts.

Now I feel ill,

I have been hit by a download, it is viruses....

each virus they mix and make Intel entries,


Check the new major. specialty in medicine

Operating System, digital doctoring and pharmaceurtical fluid, solutuion.

hence virus improvement.

Sexually, physically. psychologically. soul..........

I am acetic, I resequence, much has been forced and stolen though their misapplication of a medical

system they have no business forcing or tampering with is not only immoral but more....

I have ried to work with,negotiate they harm me more!

To design the operating system right takes me!

We now know they are doing it when judges treated me with disdain and much more as is

printed in the judges order Denver Federal District Court..

They download these extremely complicated virus through sound, my food, smells, and of course airborne and touch, wiping it on me.

They walk by the carrier, bump into me or put a hand on m e shoulder arm. etc.

Next I am drenched, sick to my stomach and other.......worse, much worse....

I am Aya, through the mechanism of telepathy, meditation, I can remember,

pre-now lets say.

I ama a doctor, they know it, DAROPA AND MISUSE.



Sunday, February 15, 2015

Lecture on Sulfer

The Conference was the focus of a mining in Sicily or in

Italy proper, with black and white photographs the miners

hauled like a Kokopelli, the old levels winding up and down with a

pathway only known seeming passed to the Quazalcoatl.

Locke somehow almost missed the connection, but in Bisbee, the Mohave

seemed to open an idea almost inconceivable.

He had hitchhiked most of the way and a trucker gave him an old map which

seemed useless but he carried it in the glove compartment of the truck since

the map was of his godfather told him might be of use to a traveler

someday.  His family came from royalty in old Spain he was told!


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentines Day

thank you for the 12 dozen Roses.....

the 7am touch was delivery on Time,

then the Captain on the cruise announced a major Caribean,

detour to Finland and then the beach, fallout


southern comfort but I remember it all!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Maybe Penrose will weigh in?

or maybe 30 days is a month/

The fable of the honest scientist, much of the

competition is about name recognition.

Salk is known now he wasn't then......

My dog Beauty

form the planet he wrote a description, the Pagosa paper, carried the letter to the Editor.

the letter was a reprint from something in the parallel...

they knew because it was of a paper extremely unteste.

The newest study of dust....Can we now refer to ourselves as something besides dust?

The retraction of expansion is because of dust, yes,

I think Datura might help!

Ash Wednesday and space exploration, Middle Ages.

I never spoke until I was seven....

 was a better psychiatrist at 4 then the ACCSES or whatever

ever the anachronym...

not linguistic accept for how to human rights offense .

state run keep everyone in poverty, CDC rev ev !

My what a hip phrase.

The other one that came to me last night when I watched some of Big Bang wad that I for a whole year had alpha sleep, without sleep and without alpha!


Supernatural with star Sam recently had a very groovy show on nightmares, he should know.

The word for water in Tohono is very raw like something not polished not the expected.

the rules of Venus, the rules of water..........

the sound, Big Bang for instance has it not!

The silence of seconds are of something, not chaos.

What is Alpha, an Oracle a Jaguar, a sorceror?

the desert beckens to know, and the earth quiet.

Sootheing, serene...

Venus on War.....

I went to the Tohono restauruant on the Mission, the other day.

I thought of Peyote and the sacrement of the recent conjunction with Mercury.

What is an herb of the desert?

What is north?


I saw a white Geode at the Rock show on Grande,

the Earthe cleanses, I always liked geodes and

the one specific my thing, became my thing, and the earth spoke!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Friday, January 16, 2015

pro and Athlete, Pre sets up an interview w/ Rock and the reading he goes to first!




Thursday, January 15, 2015

The O'Connells

Their nearest neighbor was a mile down the frontage road, and the history

of the road itself was that when the first families, came upon the spot they

decided that a road that connected neighbor to neighbor, was how they would communicate

meaning, they had certain tiles of various signs to hang on the post, to tell a little of a tale
all week long.  All loved stories and in prep for the Friday night social, a web of a tale would begin
on the road for the spinning!


I lived close to Jamaica in the mid-2000-0 and the apartment was like loft though the wood floors in the dining room were perfect for dancing and writing.

I would cook and write, dance and write.......cook and dance and write......

Therefor it shocked my whole system to leave the New York area at the time so I went to the closest spot with a great writing environment also New Orleans!

Alligators of the brogues are like lizards in the desert.

Monday, January 12, 2015

lunch at the Cadillac

the flowers, purple lilac and then the table set with the family dishes from Ireland
the McConnell's some of the first in the settlement in Montana....

the commune was based in an old family tradition of keeping large families working
a homestead, from a certain pagan style of the Norse.

The New Year was one of a time based in the Winter garden of the castles which dot the land in Ireland when peasant and Lord would stay together to keep the warmth of communing a natural part of working the land later, the potato was a prominent feature of  celebration.

The neighbors stayed more reclusive in that they were not from the same tribe.....

Saturday, January 10, 2015


It is amazing that the mesa Verde Park was open that

Sunday of all days,

and the Anasazi exhibit-----kept the crowds there all afternoon.

Later was to be a dance and the Cowboys from Dolores held there

annual police fundraiser...

Everyone had a prize for there best afternoon comida recipe

baked ham and the chit lings side dishes galore,

the pies were extra, variety and doubled in 12, 7, 21.

The table for Black Jack was set up for a late evening of

the card a playin, and the sleepers also, children and adults who were in need of a nap.

As the bluegrass band began to warm up, the Zeidigo dance class finished up and the dancers

put out some snacks and warm drinks, also a bobbing apples big tub.

where the coal...where the virus codice, continuity predictions, at least 4000.

"Open question" redirects here. For information on open-ended questions, see closed-ended question.
In science and mathematics, an open problem or an open question is a known problem which can be accurately stated, and which is assumed to have an objective and verifiable solution, but which has not yet been solved (no solution for it is known).
In the history of science, some of these supposed open problems were "solved" by means of showing that they were not, after all, well-defined. Many open problems in mathematics are in fact concerned with the question whether a certain definition is or is not consistent.
Two notable examples in mathematics that have been solved and closed by researchers in the late twentieth century are Fermat's Last Theorem[1] and the four color map theorem.[2][3] An important mathematics open problem solved in the early 21st century is the Poincaré conjecture.
Important open problems exist in all scientific fields. For example, one of the most important open problems in biochemistry is the protein structure prediction problem[4][5] – how to predict a protein's structure from its sequence.

what is Zazen, the art of non thinking

What is Zazen?

Zazen at Udumbara Zen Center
Zazen means ‘sitting meditation’.
It is being oneself, with nothing extra, in harmony with the way things are.
It is the simple practice of looking directly at life as it is.
It is being aware of one’s true feelings and thoughts in each moment.
It is doing what Shakyamuni Buddha did under the Bodhi tree 2500 years ago.
Here is what some ancient masters have said about zazen:
“One inch of sitting, one inch of Buddha. Like lightning all thoughts come and pass. Just once look into your mind-depths: Nothing else has ever been.”
Manzan Dohaku (1635-1714)
“Not thinking about anything is zen. Once you know this, walking, standing, sitting or lying down, everything you do is zen. To know that the mind is empty is to see the buddha. The buddhas of the ten directions have no mind. To see no mind is to see the buddha.”
Bodhidharma (5th c.)
“Within every moment of thought you should see yourself that your fundamental nature is pure. You should cultivate for yourself, practice for yourself, and accomplish for yourself the enlightenment of buddhahood.”
Huineng (638-713)
At many points in the practice of meditation, it is important to find a practice-community and a teacher. Click here to go to the SZBA directory of centers. And, click here to read about finding a teacher.
The following links provide sound instructions for getting started with meditation:
Zazen at the Atlanta Soto Zen Center
Traditional meditation instructions by the founder of Soto Zen in Japan, Eihei Dogen (1200-1253), entitled “Fukanzazengi”:

Universally Recommended Instructions for Zazen

The way is originally perfect and all-pervading. How could it be contingent on practice and realization? The true vehicle is self-sufficient. What need is there for special effort? Indeed, the whole body is free from dust. Who could believe in a means to brush it clean? It is never apart from this very place; what is the use of traveling around to practice? And yet, if there is a hairsbreadth deviation, it is like the gap between heaven and earth. If the least like or dislike arises, the mind is lost in confusion. Suppose you are confident in your understanding and rich in enlightenment, gaining the wisdom that knows at a glance, attaining the way and clarifying the mind, arousing an aspiration to reach for the heavens. You are playing in the entranceway, but you are still short of the vital path of emancipation.
Consider the Buddha: although he was wise at birth, the traces of his six years of upright sitting can yet be seen. As for Bodhidharma, although he had received the mind-seal, his nine years of facing a wall is celebrated still. If even the ancient sages were like this, how can we today dispense with wholehearted practice?
Therefore, put aside the intellectual practice of investigating words and chasing phrases, and learn to take the backward step that turns the light and shines it inward. . Body and mind of themselves will drop away, and your original face will manifest. If you want to realize such, get to work on such right now.
For practicing Zen, a quiet room is suitable. Eat and drink moderately. Put aside all involvements and suspend all affairs. Do not think “good” or “bad.” Do not judge true or false. Give up the operations of mind, intellect, and consciousness; stop measuring with thoughts, ideas, and views. Have no designs on becoming a buddha. How could that be limited to sitting or lying down?
At your sitting place, spread out a thick mat and put a cushion on it. Sit either in the full-lotus or half-lotus position. In the full-lotus position, first place your right foot on your left thigh, then your left foot on your right thigh. In the half-lotus, simply place your left foot on your right thigh. Tie your robes loosely and arrange them neatly. Then place your right hand on your left leg and your left hand on your right palm, thumb-tips lightly touching. Straighten your body and sit upright, leaning neither left nor right, neither forward nor backward. Align your ears with your shoulders and your nose with your navel. Rest the tip of your tongue against the front of the roof of your mouth, with teeth together and lips shut. Always keep your eyes open and breathe softly through your nose.
Once you have adjusted your posture, take a breath and exhale fully, rock your body right and left, and settle into steady, immovable sitting. Think of not thinking, “Not thinking -what kind of thinking is that?” Nonthinking. This is the essential art of zazen.
The zazen I speak of is not meditation practice. It is simply the dharma gate of joyful ease, the practice realization of totally culminated enlightenment. It is the koan realized; traps and snares can never reach it. If you grasp the point, you are like a dragon gaining the water, like a tiger taking to the mountains. For you must know that the true dharma appears of it self, so that from the start dullness and distraction are struck aside.
When you arise from sitting, move slowly and quietly, calmly and deliberately. Do not rise suddenly or abruptly. In surveying the past, we find that transcendence of both mundane and sacred, and dying while either sitting or standing, have all depended entirely on the power of zazen.
In addition, triggering awakening with a finger, a banner, a needle, or a mallet, and effecting realization with a whisk, a fist, a staff, or a shout -these cannot be under-: stood by discriminative thinking; much less can they be known through the practice of supernatural power. They must represent conduct beyond seeing and hearing. Are they not a standard prior to knowledge and views?
This being the case, intelligence or lack of it is not an issue; make no distinction between the dull and the sharp-witted. If you concentrate your effort single-mindedly, that in itself is wholeheartedly engaging the way. Practice-realization is naturally undefiled. Going forward -is, after all, an everyday affair.
In general, in our world and others, in both India and China, all equally hold the buddha-seal. While each lineage expresses its own style, they are all simply devoted to sitting, totally blocked in resolute stability. Although they say that there are ten thousand distinctions and a thousand variations, they just wholeheartedly engage the way in zazen. Why leave behind the seat in your own home to wander in vain through the dusty realms of other lands? If you make one misstep, you stumble past what is directly in front of you.
You have gained the pivotal opportunity of human form. Do not pass your days and nights in vain. You are taking care of the essential activity of the buddha-way. Who would take wasteful delight in the spark from a flintstone? Besides, form and substance are like the dew on the grass, the fortunes of life like a dart of lightning – emptied in an instant, vanished in a flash.
Please, honored followers of Zen, long accustomed to groping for the elephant, do not doubt the true dragon. Devote your energies to the way of direct pointing at the real. Revere the one who has gone beyond learning and is free from effort. Accord with the enlightenment of all the buddhas; succeed to the samadhi of all the ancestors. Continue to live in such a way, and you will be such a ‘ person. The treasure store will open of it self, and you may enjoy it freely.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

the holidays with some surprise

travel during the Christmas overture Bach

Arizona Highways driven at the what the fluke,

to the tune of the momentum in the Knight hills of

the starry night the fade forward, couture and the volume

made for a outfit quite different.

nonsensica rhythm, with Jazz

the trombone and the pit of n= directions harmony

the crime scene updated in the detective files on

the cold case of 1932 on Blake Street-------acclimation from the

rare climate of Alaska, Juneau, the four wheel drive cabin.


Rock is there and the fireplace for coal and wood is

and the psychedelic of the Borealis streams a moist warm air

that streams through with stars and sun, day and night of the special

motion made for a rare climactic event, the storms clear and the

almost tropical has the next zazen, and down by the lake his friends building him a

Native American Canoe.........

Simplest explanation of the math behind Public Key Cryptography

I was trying to explain public key cryptography today and totally failed at it. Here are notes to myself based on various Wikipedia pages. There's a lot more to it than this (like padding) but this is the gist of it.

1. Pick two prime numbers:

p = 7
q = 13

2. Multiply them together:

n = p * q
n = 7 * 13
n = 91

3. Compute Euler's "totient" function of n:

φ(n) = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
φ(91) = (7 - 1) * (13 - 1)
φ(91) = 6 * 12
φ(91) = 72

4. Pick a random number e such that:

1 < e < φ(n)
1 < e < φ(91)
1 < e < 72

and e is "coprime" with φ(n), meaning it has no common factors.

e = 23  (because I said so)

5. Compute d, the modular multiplicative inverse of e (mod φ(n)):

e^-1 = d (mod φ(n))
23^-1 = d (mod φ(91))
23^-1 = d (mod 72)
23 * d = 1 (mod 72)
23 * 47 = 1 (mod 72)
d = 47

Now you have all the magic numbers you need:

public key  = (n = 91, e = 23)
private key = (n = 91, d = 47)

Secret messages to you

1. Have someone else encrypt a message m using your public key (n, e):

m = 60
c(m) = m^e mod n
c(60) = 60^23 mod 91
c(60) = 44
c = 44  (they send this to you)

2. Decrypt the message c using your private key (n, d):

c = 44
m(c) = c^d mod n
m(44) = 44^47 mod 91
m(44) = 60
m = 60  (now you have the secret)

Prove you wrote something

1. Hash the message to broadcast (this is Knuth's insecure hash function):

broadcast = 102
hash(broadcast) = broadcast * K mod 2^32
hash(102) = 102 * 2654435761 mod 2^32
hash(102) = 169507974

2. Compute the signature with your private key (n, d):

signature = hash(broadcast) ^ d mod n
signature = hash(102) ^ 47 mod 91
signature = 169507974 ^ 47 mod 91
signature = 90

3. People who receive the broadcast message (102) and the signature (90) can confirm with your public key (n, e):

broadcast = 102
hash(broadcast) = broadcast * K mod 2^32
hash(102) = 102 * 2654435761 mod 2^32
hash(102) = 169507974
confirmation = hash(broadcast)^e mod n
confirmation = 169507974^23 mod 91
confirmation = 90  (matches your signature)

Why is this safe?

In this simple example it's totally not. You can trivially take n = 91 and guess p and q with simple factorization:

>>> set((91 / i) for i in xrange(1, 91) if 91 % i == 0)
set([91, 13, 7])

Redo all the math above and you have the private key. Doh~

Now imagine if n was such a large number that it took a very long time to guess p and q:

>>> set((12031294782491844L / i) for i in xrange(1, 12031294782491844L) if 12031294782491844L % i == 0)

This takes a really long time. Even fancy solutions on the fastest computer on Earth would take until the end of the universe. That's why transmitting secrets with public key cryptography is safe. That's also why great leaps in prime number theory are frightening / exciting.


Rock stopped by to the going News stand in the pipe store

his buddy the owner, gave him the first Cuban cigar on the market.

He headed for the house he rented on the river front, just by the Huck Finn

fishing complex boat and diving shop.

Today schooner was visible on the horizon, the name of the boat

named for the mother of the captain, her maiden name

The Arnold;

the day he had the ship built

was on the completely restructured measurement of an antique pirate

of early 1500--------------------------------------------British.

He decided to sit on the veranda and write a letter to the

investment company which held his portfolio from

the awards he received from the Australian government--------


Venus pottery Shop at the mall

intensive care unit, Baylor Hospital, Dallas----1962

While the anchor announced how the city would set priorities

during the labor strike of the, a funny sound in the studio preceded the black out that effected all but

the hospital, since emergency generators, were ah- constant so from the 5 th

floor of Lou's recovery center, the darkness and quiet were especially appealing.

The hum of activity with minimal lighting, halo of blue and yellow,

his tray was sitting bedside and the chicken fried steak with potatoes and greens

brought a memory of a day with Pre studying at Oxford together.


Sunday, January 4, 2015

the computer town

of Palo Alto......


Originally from the same town Lou, they were both ice-skaters,

even if Lou also played football, his actual passion was on the Ice

with Grace.

As Lou recovered......

from the coma-induced, his friend Grace sat by his side, morning and night.

He had dreams of time dripped surrealism he later told her tried to explain without

quite the word order that seemed there!

The air y ness of such alight feeling and measurement,

the time clock in the town measured more than 9 dimensions all very orderly in

the hospitable location.

January turnstyle album of primates may have lived w/ dinasaurs

The Hawkings movie and downtown restaurant,
The menu is of the "Rock, of our story lines",
and the sunset, savannah is about the Sabina Canyon to the Lemon.
Need to get off the Classical physics and true molecular or sets of
Quantum computer physics order of Alignment
because kickball is

According to the New Scientist, gravity and classical are as different from
how to adapt even as much as the changes of
living the quantum lifestyle.