The marches that the military engage in in various ways are
usually accompanied by drum music or keeping time.
The Mayans were thought to be masters of calculations, but
how with no instruments of calculation?
They counted...
I know because I count and I learned the method from studying Venecian
tablets that are of the basis of the Mayans.
So they either were taught by citizens from Venus or they also found some way
to remember or contact the knowledge in Venecian control for their use,
with permission!
That would mean very clearly that Venus is a different method than is normally employed for
various means of keeping time, whether that be, normal clock time, date etc. or more in depth;
things of speed, relativity, and inner consciousness, ie the path to God or godness.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
and down the January path....yellow,
of golden suite of character structure made from the imaginary grand canyon of verbalization....
they say and she say and they all say!
Whereabouts of the recluse is often not of a satiation of desire but of the
potentiality of a credible thought formed with the right pronunciation!
they say and she say and they all say!
Whereabouts of the recluse is often not of a satiation of desire but of the
potentiality of a credible thought formed with the right pronunciation!
Thursday, December 19, 2013
11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put
eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that
God does from beginning to end (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
J. and the outpost plague
When Summer was with her father the women around him were able to
spend time with her and Sunflower. The two looked a great deal alike and at
times like their father.
The father of the two girls was on a run and so the family became all women for a time.....
They seemed to be harmoniously moving the yet they missed him terribly!
Then the stats came back............the ship was running out of supplies so they would veer off for a
month or two.
When they realized they were lost the time was actually 9.
A message of the plague, left them at the outpost and they hurriedly made
storage for the provisions, expecting to wait out the worst of the pandemic in a cave-like cabin with
the other pilgrims and travelers.
They decided to form a theatre group and begin a play.
Someone brought out the traveling Salesman and they began to memorize.....lines.
spend time with her and Sunflower. The two looked a great deal alike and at
times like their father.
The father of the two girls was on a run and so the family became all women for a time.....
They seemed to be harmoniously moving the yet they missed him terribly!
Then the stats came back............the ship was running out of supplies so they would veer off for a
month or two.
When they realized they were lost the time was actually 9.
A message of the plague, left them at the outpost and they hurriedly made
storage for the provisions, expecting to wait out the worst of the pandemic in a cave-like cabin with
the other pilgrims and travelers.
They decided to form a theatre group and begin a play.
Someone brought out the traveling Salesman and they began to memorize.....lines.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
New York
I have followed a storm here and found that shame has carried over from the
I am at the place of immigrants and the newness of seeing health yet there is not the wave to carry
without such a anti-purity problem.
I am at the place of immigrants and the newness of seeing health yet there is not the wave to carry
without such a anti-purity problem.
the Islamic!
What of the Earth, is a lifestyle of purity one answer that
lends one to understand the Abraham, not harsh against the
nature of such, a poetry theme.
lends one to understand the Abraham, not harsh against the
nature of such, a poetry theme.
What is Spirit?
Rock and the Second Coming....
For some reason the question of Love, the power and realism...
In art realism became quite a level of the mundane, yet power is within
such of the less seemingly artistic representation.
The advancements in film of the quality of engaging with realism is
not for such a simplicity but of chaos in organization, not seen.
To go after the task is of the second coming in theological analysis.
For some reason the question of Love, the power and realism...
In art realism became quite a level of the mundane, yet power is within
such of the less seemingly artistic representation.
The advancements in film of the quality of engaging with realism is
not for such a simplicity but of chaos in organization, not seen.
To go after the task is of the second coming in theological analysis.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Going to the book of sings!
Climate change is a very involved societal engagement.
Yet how does the answer come about?
Does the universe respond to a certain type of engagement
and what is that; tangibly described.
We plan on an intervention soon, presenting an Aborigine!
Yet how does the answer come about?
Does the universe respond to a certain type of engagement
and what is that; tangibly described.
We plan on an intervention soon, presenting an Aborigine!
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
and we come from, the father
by Gingerrevolution
Conducting a 'Ritual of Mars' (For empowerment)
Why do this Ritual?
used this one myself at a point when my life was becoming difficult.
When times were hard and I seemed to be dodging bullets from all
directions. I know there are Christians amongst you who will take
offence at my posting a ritual in a hub but please - if this is going to
offend you just stop reading...I am just as entitled to my beliefs as
you are to yours and it is not my purpose to offend but to enlighten and
So, the ritual then. Calling Mars into your life actively calls upon hidden reserves o strength and energy that help you to face difficulties with a more positive attitude. The ritual encourages the power of fire behind your actions and words. It is an excellent remedy for friends who approach you for help who have fallen on hard times. The powers of fire do not condone self pity, rather they give fighting spirit and strength of the heart. The ritual acts upon the theory that making your wishes clear to the universe is the first step towards receiving the help that you require.
In the next section I will talk you through the rite. I recommend that you take your own notes rather than try to follow it from the computer. It is important not to attempt any kind of ritual unless you are certain of what you are doing and have memorized what you must say.
So, the ritual then. Calling Mars into your life actively calls upon hidden reserves o strength and energy that help you to face difficulties with a more positive attitude. The ritual encourages the power of fire behind your actions and words. It is an excellent remedy for friends who approach you for help who have fallen on hard times. The powers of fire do not condone self pity, rather they give fighting spirit and strength of the heart. The ritual acts upon the theory that making your wishes clear to the universe is the first step towards receiving the help that you require.
In the next section I will talk you through the rite. I recommend that you take your own notes rather than try to follow it from the computer. It is important not to attempt any kind of ritual unless you are certain of what you are doing and have memorized what you must say.
You will need...
fire and red and passion and heat. All your ingredients should
represent this. The idea is to build an altar (obviously to the God
Mars, but, if like me you have issues with worshipping a God not your
own then dedicate your shrine to the fiery element of whichever divinity
or divinities you do follow.) So start your altar with a red
cloth in a peacefull area of your home (the best thing to do is to
permanently set aside a space specifically for meditation/rituals etc.)
Decorate the red cloth with objects of power that reflect fire.
Personally I used three red candles, some sandalwood incense, some
spiced red apple oil in a burner, a goblet of salted water, a red
flowering potted plant, a selection of red ad orange crystals from my
collection, some dried rose petals and a selection of fire-element Tarot
cards. If you read runes you may want to swap the cards for fiery
runes; but as I read cards I used the traditionally fiery Strength card,
along with a few of the high Wands.
When picking your tarot cards do not use the Tower card, it is ruled by Mars but is representative of breaking down rather than rebuilding. Think carefully about your ingredients, variations are always acceptable as long as they apply directly.
When picking your tarot cards do not use the Tower card, it is ruled by Mars but is representative of breaking down rather than rebuilding. Think carefully about your ingredients, variations are always acceptable as long as they apply directly.
with any rite you must seal your circle (for this I used a scattering
of rose petals.) Next you need to greet the four quarters (1.)
Next we symbolically dedicate each corner to its fiery element. To do this involve your ingredients. I faced the east first and spent a few moments meditating over the fiery element of air. (2.) Visualize burning tropical climes and thunderstorms. Think of volcanic ash lit red by a fiery sunset...For the element of air I traditionally use incense, so after a few moments meditation I light the incense that I have placed in the eastern quarter. I move to the south, where I greet the fiery element of fire itself - I see molten rocks and Iron (Mars' metal) being hammered in forges. Meditate for a few moments. I then lit a selection of red candles. Move to the East and visualize fire of water...Bubbling hot springs, the power of steam, the scorching pain of a steam burn. I meditate over geysers and then take one of my red candles and drop a few drops of its fiery wax into the salted water I have placed in the western corner. Lastly I face the north and meditate over molten lava and the power of the earth in volcano form. I place my fingers into the earth of the fire - red flowered plant that I have placed in the northern quarter.
Now that your circle is complete turn to the centre. This is the realm of spirit. Meditate over your fiery deity. Remember traditionally Mars was not only a warrior bu also a sublime lover, a lean sportsman, a picture of health and strength. Visualize your deity (always with reverence) and picture them in the centre of your shrine. Imagine that you have access to that power; see it and feel it as a golden light swelling from your crown chakra right through your body.
After a few moments you should feel a sort of energized peace. At this point repeat a mantra you may wish to invent your own, mine went something like this;
I am a creature borne of all four elements, I am a child of the earth. Like all of earths children I have hidden reserves of strength deep within me - reserves that thus far I have not found. I ask humbly that you help me find this strength. I put my faith and trust in your judgement.
For a few moments allow yourself to open up to the universe. Enjoy the peace it brings and thank your deity. Next thank each of the guardians. It is traditional to eat and drink to seal the rite. I take a sip of the salted water and swallow a grain of soil from the earthen corner. I finish with saying 'so mote it be.'
When you have finished it is preferable to snuff your candles rather than blow them out. Disassemble the altar and take the soil outside. For the week after the ritual be sure to wear a little red every day to reinforce it. Hopefully you will begin to feel the benefits almost immediately.
(1.) In this rite greet the four quarters by saying 'Gaurdians of the North; hail and be welcome' and repeating for each compass point.
(2.) Each of the four quarters corresponds to an element. North=earth, East=air, South=fire, West=water
Next we symbolically dedicate each corner to its fiery element. To do this involve your ingredients. I faced the east first and spent a few moments meditating over the fiery element of air. (2.) Visualize burning tropical climes and thunderstorms. Think of volcanic ash lit red by a fiery sunset...For the element of air I traditionally use incense, so after a few moments meditation I light the incense that I have placed in the eastern quarter. I move to the south, where I greet the fiery element of fire itself - I see molten rocks and Iron (Mars' metal) being hammered in forges. Meditate for a few moments. I then lit a selection of red candles. Move to the East and visualize fire of water...Bubbling hot springs, the power of steam, the scorching pain of a steam burn. I meditate over geysers and then take one of my red candles and drop a few drops of its fiery wax into the salted water I have placed in the western corner. Lastly I face the north and meditate over molten lava and the power of the earth in volcano form. I place my fingers into the earth of the fire - red flowered plant that I have placed in the northern quarter.
Now that your circle is complete turn to the centre. This is the realm of spirit. Meditate over your fiery deity. Remember traditionally Mars was not only a warrior bu also a sublime lover, a lean sportsman, a picture of health and strength. Visualize your deity (always with reverence) and picture them in the centre of your shrine. Imagine that you have access to that power; see it and feel it as a golden light swelling from your crown chakra right through your body.
After a few moments you should feel a sort of energized peace. At this point repeat a mantra you may wish to invent your own, mine went something like this;
I am a creature borne of all four elements, I am a child of the earth. Like all of earths children I have hidden reserves of strength deep within me - reserves that thus far I have not found. I ask humbly that you help me find this strength. I put my faith and trust in your judgement.
For a few moments allow yourself to open up to the universe. Enjoy the peace it brings and thank your deity. Next thank each of the guardians. It is traditional to eat and drink to seal the rite. I take a sip of the salted water and swallow a grain of soil from the earthen corner. I finish with saying 'so mote it be.'
When you have finished it is preferable to snuff your candles rather than blow them out. Disassemble the altar and take the soil outside. For the week after the ritual be sure to wear a little red every day to reinforce it. Hopefully you will begin to feel the benefits almost immediately.
(1.) In this rite greet the four quarters by saying 'Gaurdians of the North; hail and be welcome' and repeating for each compass point.
(2.) Each of the four quarters corresponds to an element. North=earth, East=air, South=fire, West=water
Monday, December 9, 2013
in the now and in the word....
Trajectories for space plane, 123---------------------and
the little prince, Aya heard these words distinctly as she finished,
her lunch. She looked out her window and was reminded of the space-plane that she shared a ride with
Rock, going on a rondevous.
He was mostly speaking about the last meeting with Sol that she found herself dreaming with him...
Now that she was with the crew again she felt him close as though she was now connected to his parallel; things that were broken up memory were now smoothe and nicely proportional as far as her engineering mind could calculate....
All of this led to better communication yet the abrupt .............upheavals that coincided reminded her of the harmonic convergence, 1997, the summer of .
How the timelines of his sings, one called "the little horse" was very in a word order indicative of Rock and his walkabout with geology.
He had begun to sing again and for that she decided to call Sol, for the next step.....
He was at Nellis Air Force Base, flying back and forth from Reno!
She tried his Cell.
the little prince, Aya heard these words distinctly as she finished,
her lunch. She looked out her window and was reminded of the space-plane that she shared a ride with
Rock, going on a rondevous.
He was mostly speaking about the last meeting with Sol that she found herself dreaming with him...
Now that she was with the crew again she felt him close as though she was now connected to his parallel; things that were broken up memory were now smoothe and nicely proportional as far as her engineering mind could calculate....
All of this led to better communication yet the abrupt .............upheavals that coincided reminded her of the harmonic convergence, 1997, the summer of .
How the timelines of his sings, one called "the little horse" was very in a word order indicative of Rock and his walkabout with geology.
He had begun to sing again and for that she decided to call Sol, for the next step.....
He was at Nellis Air Force Base, flying back and forth from Reno!
She tried his Cell.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Everyone and their dog.....
Does Manning want my astronaut ability...
I think he works for NASA IN A REAL JOB!
I think he works for NASA IN A REAL JOB!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Last night....
Police rep ort=======================================================================
Regarding a home invasion and rape…….
My apartment is not a safe place for me,
I am completely overwhelmed and worried about my safety.
My door is often hit and strangers keep coming and hitting
my door with loud knocks and telling me scary things they are planning to do to
Lsst night someone came and the
door was shaking from the pressure of the voice screaming that it would take my
apartment and rape me, repeatedly. I felt a prescence touching me but was afraid to see.
I have been afraid of the
management and the involvement since staying
at Seigel Suites,
They are involved and have cars coming
through the parking lot at high speeds, honking and causing disturbance
I can’t sleep and have civil case
regarding this but my life is in danger!
I believe that the civil case is
not enough that I want to press charges against Seigel Suites for this conspiracy
most likely connected to the case.
I am afraid to go home, because
last night a man was on the third floor watching me as I left, then I finally
asked what he was doing, he said he lived there but that he forgot his keys and
he left never returned.
There is a brother connection and
he constantly is telling me through dreams tha the is killing me and mentally
he goes into stories about how he is planning to torture me and takes pictures of me.
Friday, November 22, 2013
judges chamber!
District Court of Las Vegas, Nevada
Emergency Motion for Remedy from Extreme Conditions
Case Number________________________ __
Milagro Taurus, Plaintiff
Dr. Renee Ngo
Red Rocks Behavioral Health Hospital,
Causation for Request and Pleading
I believe that the malpractice suit has some very real and extreme extenuating circumstances for which I ask for an immediate and continuing assistance, both financially and structurally----
The depth in psychosis lends itself to a certain procedural schedule and that method is broken or clumped in hurtful ways; & nbsp; & nbsp; 1
which have to do with the details of wrongful death, not only attempted murder but actual structural, neurological death which I have had to will myself back from with great effort on a scale so enormous that it may signal breakthrough on not only senility and brain death or head injury conditions, but also psychological suicididal or homicidal conditions in which the will is damaged.
I ask that since my life hangs by a balance and following up on this research without damage to myself is of the utmost importance-------------------- I would like the following to happen-----
1. Immediate compensatory damages
2. Study into the role of my insurance----included now in the suit, as the agency overseeing this situation and that the relief come from the Medicare, itself.
3. This amount to set up a laboratory, sleeping and meditation monitored correctly and to the right formulas---
And my safety health and wellbeing of the matter.
4. In the amount of 500,000 immediately and then continuing on a regular basis as the court rules.
5. I would like to write up my experience in scientific journals, but the threats on my life continue and are making my participation in my own treatment method or way to chronicle and publish.
Now that MAVEN is on its way for timeline dateline2014...
There is a question that brings up other questions........
In NOETICS research the Hell aspect of existence is one truth to begin a culpability in Legal circles since much of Noetics has to do with actually defining what all religions have fallen short of and that is the power trip which took place before the Fall or some say the Big Bang event.
It not the stuff of conspiracy but of objective truth-seeking! What is original?
I am constantly in a hell-tunnel with the purification option, and business is truth and the mind of God is about the collective unconscious in mental degradation, stopping a purge of repetition compulsion Act.
Why is it that the murder investigation of the Kennedy asassination, today the 50th Anniversary, is reported to be the legal case of the Century?
As a scientist of true Venecian law of heritage renewed, I clinically direct the pilot program---------------to really study what atmosphere or environments tell us about this fall and the remedies or formulas.
Since we look at biology for astro-cell-formation regarding maladaption of god-forms;
in a Story of the fall now to Grace; the Rock now trilogy of recommendations from the contract or contract law----Reptilian Agreement!
We are at the Probability.
There is a question that brings up other questions........
In NOETICS research the Hell aspect of existence is one truth to begin a culpability in Legal circles since much of Noetics has to do with actually defining what all religions have fallen short of and that is the power trip which took place before the Fall or some say the Big Bang event.
It not the stuff of conspiracy but of objective truth-seeking! What is original?
I am constantly in a hell-tunnel with the purification option, and business is truth and the mind of God is about the collective unconscious in mental degradation, stopping a purge of repetition compulsion Act.
Why is it that the murder investigation of the Kennedy asassination, today the 50th Anniversary, is reported to be the legal case of the Century?
As a scientist of true Venecian law of heritage renewed, I clinically direct the pilot program---------------to really study what atmosphere or environments tell us about this fall and the remedies or formulas.
Since we look at biology for astro-cell-formation regarding maladaption of god-forms;
in a Story of the fall now to Grace; the Rock now trilogy of recommendations from the contract or contract law----Reptilian Agreement!
We are at the Probability.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
The war had been a long winter, for the freedom fighters and the clause for talks said that the
practice for
very Specific........
Waiting for your response.
practice for
very Specific........
Waiting for your response.
President Obama, Sir, for your immediate attention!
We should discuss informed consrent and public health APPS, protections that are part of any permission!
And does the Obamacare website concern itself with the consent formation, DNA.
Please bring in the force and now Reptilian Agreement, Martian!
And does the Obamacare website concern itself with the consent formation, DNA.
Please bring in the force and now Reptilian Agreement, Martian!
Ethics of no permission, NIH AND MEDICARE, suit from supreme court petition to Didtrict court, Nevada
The Basics
- What are clinical trials and why do people participate?
- What is clinical research?
- Who participates in clinical trials?
- What do I need to know if I am thinking about participating?
- What questions should I ask if offered a clinical trial?
- How am I protected?
- What happens after a clinical trial is completed?
- How does the outcome of clinical research make a difference?
1. What are clinical trials and why do people participate?
Clinical trials are part of clinical research and at the heart of all medical advances. Clinical trials look at new ways to prevent, detect, or treat disease. Treatments might be new drugs or new combinations of drugs, new surgical procedures or devices, or new ways to use existing treatments. The goal of clinical trials is to determine if a new test or treatment works and is safe. Clinical trials can also look at other aspects of care, such as improving the quality of life for people with chronic illnesses.People participate in clinical trials for a variety of reasons. Healthy volunteers say they participate to help others and to contribute to moving science forward. Participants with an illness or disease also participate to help others, but also to possibly receive the newest treatment and to have the additional care and attention from the clinical trial staff. Clinical trials offer hope for many people and an opportunity to help researchers find better treatments for others in the future.
2. What is clinical research?
Clinical research is medical research that involves people like you. People volunteer to participate in carefully conducted investigations that ultimately uncover better ways to treat, prevent, diagnose, and understand human disease. Clinical research includes trials that test new treatments and therapies as well as long–term natural history studies, which provide valuable information about how disease and health progress.The idea
The idea for a clinical research study—also known as a clinical trial—often originates in the laboratory. After researchers test new therapies or procedures in the laboratory and in animal studies, the most promising experimental treatments are moved into clinical trials, which are conducted in phases. During a trial, more information is gained about an experimental treatment, its risks, and its effectiveness.The protocol
Clinical research is conducted according to a plan known as a protocol. The protocol is carefully designed to safeguard the participants’ health and answer specific research questions. A protocol describes the following:- Who is eligible to participate in the trial
- Details about tests, procedures, medications, and dosages
- The length of the study and what information will be gathered
Protocol review
Each clinical trial in the United States must be approved and monitored by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) to ensure that the risks are minimal and are worth any potential benefits. An IRB is an independent committee that consists of physicians, statisticians, and members of the community who ensure that clinical trials are ethical and that the rights of participants are protected. Federal regulation requires all institutions in the United States that conduct or support biomedical research involving people to have an IRB initially approve and periodically review the research.Sponsors
Clinical trials are sponsored or funded by various organizations or individuals, including physicians, foundations, medical institutions, voluntary groups, and pharmaceutical companies, as well as federal agencies such as the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Veterans Affairs.Informed consent
Informed consent is the process of providing potential participants with the key facts about a clinical trial before they decide whether to participate. The process of informed consent (providing additional information) continues throughout the study. To help someone decide whether or not to participate, members of the research team explain the details of the study. Translation or interpretive assistance can be provided for participants with limited English proficiency. The research team provides an informed consent document that includes details about the study, such as its purpose, duration, required procedures, and who to contact for further information. The informed consent document also explains risks and potential benefits. The participant then decides whether to sign the document. Informed consent is not a contract. Volunteers are free to withdraw from the study completely or to refuse particular treatments or tests at any time. Sometimes, however, this will make them ineligible to continue the study.Types of clinical trials
There are different types of clinical trials.- Natural history studies provide valuable information about how disease and health progress.
- Prevention trials look for better ways to prevent a disease in people who have never had the disease or to prevent the disease from returning. Better approaches may include medicines, vaccines, or lifestyle changes, among other things.
- Screening trials test the best way to detect certain diseases or health conditions.
- Diagnostic trials determine better tests or procedures for diagnosing a particular disease or condition.
- Treatment trials test new treatments, new combinations of drugs, or new approaches to surgery or radiation therapy.
- Quality of life trials (or supportive care trials) explore and measure ways to improve the comfort and quality of life of people with a chronic illness.
Phases of clinical trials
Clinical trials are conducted in “phases.” Each phase has a different purpose and helps researchers answer different questions.- Phase I trials: Researchers test an experimental drug or treatment in a small group of people (20–80) for the first time. The purpose is to evaluate its safety and identify side effects.
- Phase II trials: The experimental drug or treatment is administered to a larger group of people (100–300) to determine its effectiveness and to further evaluate its safety.
- Phase III trials: The experimental drug or treatment is administered to large groups of people (1,000–3,000) to confirm its effectiveness, monitor side effects, compare it with standard or equivalent treatments, and collect information that will allow the experimental drug or treatment to be used safely.
- Phase IV trials: After a drug is approved by the FDA and made available to the public, researchers track its safety, seeking more information about a drug or treatment’s risks, benefits, and optimal use.
Some concepts to understand
Typically, clinical trials compare a new product or therapy with another that already exists to determine if the new one is as successful as, or better than, the existing one. In some studies, participants may be assigned to receive a placebo (an inactive product that resembles the test product, but without its treatment value).Comparing a new product with a placebo can be the fastest and most reliable way to demonstrate the new product’s therapeutic effectiveness. However, placebos are not used if a patient would be put at risk—particularly in the study of treatments for serious illnesses—by not having effective therapy. Most of these studies compare new products with an approved therapy. Potential participants are told if placebos will be used in the study before they enter a trial.
Randomization is the process by which two or more alternative treatments are assigned to volunteers by chance rather than by choice. This is done to avoid any bias with investigators assigning volunteers to one group or another. The results of each treatment are compared at specific points during a trial, which may last for years. When one treatment is found superior, the trial is stopped so that the fewest volunteers receive the less beneficial treatment.
In single-ordouble-blind studies, also called single- or double-masked studies, the participants do not know which medicine is being used, so they can describe what happens without bias. "Blind" (or "masked") studies are designed to prevent members of the research team or study participants from influencing the results. This allows scientifically accurate conclusions. In single-blind ("single-masked") studies, only the patient is not told what is being administered. In a double-blind study, only the pharmacist knows; members of the research team are not told which patients are getting which medication, so that their observations will not be biased. If medically necessary, however, it is always possible to find out what the patient is taking.
3. Who participates in clinical trials?
Healthy volunteers are needed for several reasons. When developing a new technique, such as a blood test or imaging device, healthy volunteers (formerly called "normal volunteers") help define the limits of "normal." These volunteers serve as controls for patient groups and are often matched to patients on characteristics such as age, gender, or family relationship. They receive the same test, procedure, or drug the patient group receives. Investigators learn about the disease process by comparing the patient group to the healthy volunteers.
Factors like how much of your time is needed, discomfort you may feel, or risk involved depends on the trial. While some require minimal amounts of time and effort, other studies may require a major commitment in time and effort on behalf of the volunteer, and may involve some discomfort. The research procedure may also carry some risk. The consent process for healthy volunteers includes a detailed discussion of the study's procedures and tests.
A patient volunteer has a known health problem and participates in research to better understand, diagnose, treat, or cure that disease or condition. Research procedures with a patient volunteer help develop new knowledge. These procedures may or may not benefit the study participants.
Patient volunteers may be involved in studies similar to those in which healthy volunteers participate. These studies involve drugs, devices, or interventions designed to prevent, treat, or cure disease. Although these studies may provide direct benefit to patient volunteers, the main aim is to prove, by scientific means, the effects and limitations of the experimental treatment. Consequently, some patients serve as controls by not taking the test drug, or by receiving test doses of the drug large enough only to show that it is present, but not at a level that can treat the condition. A study's benefits may be indirect for the volunteers but may help others.
All clinical trials have guidelines about who can participate, called Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria. Factors that allow someone to participate in a clinical trial are "inclusion criteria." Those that exclude or not allow participation are "exclusion criteria." These criteria are based on factors such as age, gender, the type and stage of a disease, previous treatment history, and other medical conditions. Before joining a clinical trial, a participant must qualify for the study. Some research studies seek participants with illnesses or conditions to be studied in the clinical trial, while others need healthy volunteers.
Some studies need both types. Inclusion and exclusion criteria are not used to reject people personally; rather, the criteria are used to identify appropriate participants and keep them safe, and to help ensure that researchers can find new information they need.
4. What do I need to know if I am thinking about participating?
Risks and benefits
Clinical trials involve risks, just as routine medical care and the activities of daily living. When weighing the risks of research, you can consider two important factors:- the degree of harm that could result from participating in the study, and
- the chance of any harm occurring.
Potential benefits
Well-designed and well-executed clinical trials provide the best approach for participants to:- Play an active role in their health care.
- Gain access to new research treatments before they are widely available.
- Receive regular and careful medical attention from a research team that includes doctors and other health professionals.
- Help others by contributing to medical research.
Potential risks
Risks to participating in clinical trials include the following:- There may be unpleasant, serious, or even life-threatening side effects to experimental treatment.
- The study may require more time and attention than standard treatment would, including visits to the study site, more blood tests, more treatments, hospital stays, or complex dosage requirements.
5. What questions should I ask if offered a clinical trial?
If you are offered a clinical trial, feel free to ask any questions or bring up any issues concerning the trial at any time. The following suggestions may give you some ideas as you think about your own questions.The study
- What is the purpose of the study?
- Why do researchers think the approach may be effective?
- Who will fund the study?
- Who has reviewed and approved the study?
- How are study results and safety of participants being checked?
- How long will the study last?
- What will my responsibilities be if I participate?
Possible risks and benefits
- What are my possible short-term benefits?
- What are my possible long-term benefits?
- What are my short-term risks, such as side effects?
- What are my possible long-term risks?
- What other options do people with my disease have?
- How do the possible risks and benefits of this trial compare with those options?
Participation and care
- What kinds of therapies, procedures and /or tests will I have during the trial?
- Will they hurt, and if so, for how long?
- How do the tests in the study compare with those I would have outside of the trial?
- Will I be able to take my regular medications while in the clinical trial?
- Where will I have my medical care?
- Who will be in charge of my care?
Personal issues
- How could being in this study affect my daily life?
- Can I talk to other people in the study?
Cost issues
- Will I have to pay for any part of the trial such as tests or the study drug?
- If so, what will the charges likely be?
- What is my health insurance likely to cover?
- Who can help answer any questions from my insurance company or health plan?
- Will there be any travel or child care costs that I need to consider while I am in the trial?
Tips for asking your doctor about trials
- Consider taking a family member or friend along, for support and for help in asking questions or recording answers.
- Plan ahead what to ask — but don't hesitate to ask any new questions you think of while you're there.
- Write down your questions in advance, to make sure you remember to ask them all.
- Write down the answers, so that you can review them whenever you want.
- Ask about bringing a tape recorder to make a taped record of what's said (even if you write down answers).
6. How Am I Protected?
Ethical guidelines
The goal of clinical research is to develop knowledge that improves human health or increases understanding of human biology. People who participate in clinical research make it possible for this to occur. The path to finding out if a new drug is safe or effective is to test it on patient volunteers. By placing some people at risk of harm for the good of others, clinical research has the potential to exploit patient volunteers. The purpose of ethical guidelines is both to protect patient volunteers and to preserve the integrity of the science. Ethical guidelines in place today were primarily a response to past research abuses.Informed consent
Informed consent is the process of learning the key facts about a clinical trial before deciding whether to participate. The process of providing information to participants continues throughout the study. To help someone decide whether to participate, members of the research team explain details of the study. The research team provides an informed consent document, which includes such details about the study as its purpose, duration, required procedures, and who to contact for various purposes. The informed consent document also explains risks and potential benefits.If the participant decides to enroll in the trial, the informed consent document will be signed. Informed consent is not a contract. Volunteers are free to withdraw from the study at any time.
IRB review
Each clinical trial in the United States must be approved and monitored by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) to ensure that the risks are minimal and are worth any potential benefits. An IRB is an independent committee that consists of physicians, statisticians, and members of the community who ensure that clinical trials are ethical and that the rights of participants are protected. Federal regulation requires all institutions in the United States that conduct or support biomedical research involving people to have an IRB initially approve and periodically review the research.Further reading
For more information about research protections, see:For more information on participants’ privacy and confidentiality, see:
The Food and Drug Administration, FDA’s Drug Review Process:
- Ensuring Drugs Are Safe and Effective
- National Cancer Institute, Monitoring the Safety of Clinical Trials
7. What happens after a clinical trial is completed?
After a clinical trial is completed, the researchers carefully examine information collected during the study before making decisions about the meaning of the findings and about further testing. After a phase I or II trial, the researchers decide whether to move on to the next phase or to stop testing the agent or intervention because it was unsafe or ineffective. When a phase III trial is completed, the researchers examine the data and decide whether the results have medical importance.Results from clinical trials are often published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Peer review is a process by which experts review the report before it is published to ensure that the analysis and conclusions are sound. If the results are particularly important, they may be featured in news media and discussed at scientific meetings and by patient advocacy groups before they are published. Once a new approach has been proven safe and effective in a clinical trial, it may become the standard of medical practice.
Ask the research team members if the study results have been or will be published. Published study results are also available by searching for the study's official name or Protocol ID number in the National Library of Medicine's PubMed® database.
8. How does the outcome of clinical research make a difference?
Monday, November 18, 2013
Near Nellis......
Rock was at his desk sorting out the mess-------
His housekeeper was dusting the Mahogany and saw he had a frown,
unusual for
She thought of him in the near-sight and he began the usual grin
of his disposition.
Time piece and the works of alias Aya!
His housekeeper was dusting the Mahogany and saw he had a frown,
unusual for
She thought of him in the near-sight and he began the usual grin
of his disposition.
Time piece and the works of alias Aya!
magdalene magazine, SUNDAY, Contact Aya
Paradise Road, # 5301
Vegas NV
Professional Profile
and Technology, epidemiology
data management
walkabout formulas
indigenous translator
Professional Accomplishments
Work History
See website
of Denver
are available upon request.]
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Extra extended Love
The marriage vows were exchange, with candles and poetry...
the sand dune opened to the clear vision of Him.
You see there is more than death in the spiral, killers!
the sand dune opened to the clear vision of Him.
You see there is more than death in the spiral, killers!
Everything coming back in Paint by Number....
Do you think that a bioscience, astrophysics trip up the hospital, MEDICARE
turn-about and the Love realm hidden by the acting out comes into reach!
The Vital Language, opus DEI....
right here in the Matrix and Rock says one year also.....
Right, Act 1
turn-about and the Love realm hidden by the acting out comes into reach!
The Vital Language, opus DEI....
right here in the Matrix and Rock says one year also.....
Right, Act 1
Tantra, UN role in second coming.........
International Development Cooperation
The United Nations Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) was created by world leaders in response to the deep changes in the development cooperation landscape and the growing number of development cooperation actors. It reviews trends in international development cooperation and facilitates coherence among the various development actors. The DCF is a universal body. It is also a multistakeholder platform. It brings together decision makers from developing and developed countries, parliamentarians, civil society organizations, local governments and private philanthropic organisations. The DCF sessions and events spur debate on national policies that have succeeded to advance development goals. They reflect on how development cooperation can best help achieve development goals and identify good practice that can be fed back into policy making at the country level.
The 2012 Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) was held on Thursday, 5 July and Friday, 6 July 2012 at United Nations Headquarters in New York. Read more.
The 2014 Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) will be held in July 2014 at United Nations Headquarters in New York. Preparations are ongoing. Read more. 
- 2014 DCF one-pager
- DCF Support Strategy
- Plan of Activities
- Report of the 2012 DCF
- Vienna Policy Dialogue on Gender Equality
Thematic focus areas:
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Charles and the return to Ellsworth!
Charles was having panic attacks as he was written on the pages of a
manuscript toiled over while I was a clinician at the Hospital on base, the Air Force.
I worked the trauma unit and it seemed that as relationships go---
Charles was into his career as an architect and only one other thing,
manuscript toiled over while I was a clinician at the Hospital on base, the Air Force.
I worked the trauma unit and it seemed that as relationships go---
Charles was into his career as an architect and only one other thing,
Monday, October 7, 2013
I thought he was my bed and other hallucinations!
A short story by milagro taurus on the travel experiences of a nomadic shaman.
I will submit the story to a viable short story editor and publisher in the next year.....
Unless there is a market for a kaleidoscope movie deal on a gestalt picture of a suffering schizophrenic and a way back from the hallucination all in a colorful picture animation.
Production is the street cheap, and all musical version, included.
My shift is your shift!
All the nurses on the unit used to seem lethargic about their differences, yet remedy is evident in the
dawn, rusty yellow and an orange moon, let it fly a whole new trip.
I will submit the story to a viable short story editor and publisher in the next year.....
Unless there is a market for a kaleidoscope movie deal on a gestalt picture of a suffering schizophrenic and a way back from the hallucination all in a colorful picture animation.
Production is the street cheap, and all musical version, included.
My shift is your shift!
All the nurses on the unit used to seem lethargic about their differences, yet remedy is evident in the
dawn, rusty yellow and an orange moon, let it fly a whole new trip.
Friday, October 4, 2013
the law of the desert, marriage
The ring he gave me came from Pre at the pool, that was in a glacier the color that was closest was a
beautiful dark and bright blue, cascades of both night and as a day.
beautiful dark and bright blue, cascades of both night and as a day.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
WOMEN, woman
The feminine or angels is that the symbolism of water, a hint at our sexuality in the divine.
Is gender the next hurdle for applying a biological beauty of the mountain top,
the river winding flowing toward the mass of a a circle in the potential for fertility or life itself.....
The female, even the female in male is the heart and love symbol of a higher transcendance,
the ultimate product for the triangle base or the means to carry, avector in mathematics.
To enter the variables to correlations of a pie equation for almost the center of the solar
non-intersecting quantification in prose of rays toward the ceremony of renewal.
Today is the second day of October for the harvest moon and harvest of the farm crops.
I always wanted to live on a farm and in ways to write is a farm and harvest is the written.
Travel writing was some thing I found out about in Mexico after spending some time in Florida
researching the country; and found that once I was back in Tucson working for the Yaqui reservation,
15 minutes west of the city, in a very dirt- road mentality of walking the rez did an idea for a mer-
man story give birth. I would like to write now about this motif and allegory.......
Is gender the next hurdle for applying a biological beauty of the mountain top,
the river winding flowing toward the mass of a a circle in the potential for fertility or life itself.....
The female, even the female in male is the heart and love symbol of a higher transcendance,
the ultimate product for the triangle base or the means to carry, avector in mathematics.
To enter the variables to correlations of a pie equation for almost the center of the solar
non-intersecting quantification in prose of rays toward the ceremony of renewal.
Today is the second day of October for the harvest moon and harvest of the farm crops.
I always wanted to live on a farm and in ways to write is a farm and harvest is the written.
Travel writing was some thing I found out about in Mexico after spending some time in Florida
researching the country; and found that once I was back in Tucson working for the Yaqui reservation,
15 minutes west of the city, in a very dirt- road mentality of walking the rez did an idea for a mer-
man story give birth. I would like to write now about this motif and allegory.......
Monday, September 30, 2013
A keynote!
- Being tempted to "over-sell" experimental results, to promise more than can be delivered (e.g., stem cells)
- Providing adequate protection against unjustified discrimination regarding access to innovative tests, devices, treatments, and other products
- Determining how to provide adequate, accurate, and complete interpretation of complex scientific data to the public (e.g., DTC genetic testing)
- Being tempted to overstate the ability to guarantee "privacy" of sensitive, personal information (e.g., who owns genetic data? Should genetic data become commercially available?)
- Determining the appropriate balance between bioscience innovation and consumer protection (e.g., DTC genetic testing; stem cells)
As I conclude, I want to acknowledge a perhaps somewhat annoying trait of ethicists—we often leave you with more questions than answers. That's our job. Our job actually is not to worry for you but to point to things we all ought to worry about and to offer ways to help you worry responsibly about them. The ethics questions raised by 21st century bioscience are tough. Every one of the inevitable dilemmas I've suggested to you today will cause us sleepless nights. If you take nothing else away from my talk today, take this: that we need you in the lab, in the marketplace, in the board room, and especially in the public square—not only because you are becoming confident and competent scientists but also because you will help us think through the complex questions raised by genetic medicine, stem cells, bioprocessing, molecular diagnostics, nanotechnology, pharmaceutical discovery, bioscience business, and a host of advances and quandaries that we cannot even imagine today. We will rely on you as scientists to work with us on the never-ending project of bioethics, where the windows and doors remain open, and we are reminded never to close ourselves off to sensory impulses of eyes and ears alert toward context, change, and justice.
Margaret R. McClean
Have we stopped at the question stage and given up on true science, that goes to the limit for the answer?
I believe there is a grand theory, that theory is very heated in fact there are heated arguments to all aspects of the systemic reasoning so and therefore the case Taurus v. Social Security Administration, Supreme Court case #13-5480 was in Conference, today.
Yesterday I was attacked on the street, knocked down and today a bike police officer seemed to direct assets on the street to inhibit my movements. Bioscience information seems to be in the forefront of every area of human society, from banking to education and all have an opinion.
In therapy circle or service delivery of mental health, the assessments most interesting had a form and function purpose at the base. Meaning, is the functioning of the individual, the most important factor. For society that means a health report card, or the all of everybody imposing a selfish will that impeeds change and good will.
No, I think that is dangerous and has been or become an all-out war of influence besides real thinking or the business of thinking, for the result.
Beyond the discussion stage, beyond violence.
Beyond the 30th of September to the decision.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
The other night through my window the planet was visibly shining high in the sky and the night was beautiful.
A long symbol for the planet is the gargoyle and the most beautiful and famous ones are to be found strangely enough at the Biltmore resort on the campus or grounds of the hotel in Phoenix, Arizona.
They are the most venecian like and almost machine imagery provoking.
The Biltmore was desined by the famous Architect, Frank Lloyd Wright and the mixture of the gardens and statues and the natural hue of Squaw Peak come together for a mystical aliveness.
Would the most important gargoyle be the Jaguar famous motif for the Mayans, a jade jewel of the morning and evening star.
Lets journey on the most magnificent travel story ever made!
A long symbol for the planet is the gargoyle and the most beautiful and famous ones are to be found strangely enough at the Biltmore resort on the campus or grounds of the hotel in Phoenix, Arizona.
They are the most venecian like and almost machine imagery provoking.
The Biltmore was desined by the famous Architect, Frank Lloyd Wright and the mixture of the gardens and statues and the natural hue of Squaw Peak come together for a mystical aliveness.
Would the most important gargoyle be the Jaguar famous motif for the Mayans, a jade jewel of the morning and evening star.
Lets journey on the most magnificent travel story ever made!
The tibetan...
A story long ago about Milarepa...
I am in Little Tokyo a neighborhood of downtown....
The Starbucks is full on a Saturday and the Japanese Museum is about with a drink showcase of teas and exotic herbals.
Milarepa famously went through trials at his masters behest.
He fasted and removed all his sins and made discoveries about the life of an ascetic monk's practice.
The hallucinations he had were frightening yet very clear as to the inner domain of change and enlightenment path.
Today the most famous connection to such a treatise on the subject in American film starred Brad Pitt where for a time he lived theTibeten Buddhist monastery learning from a young
Dali lama and the scenery and peacefulness was of the Asian influence including the Himalayas and high mountain retreat.
The way of a Tibetan healer is even more interesting, the psychiatry of a people tribal and nomadic. There is much regarding the humors of the body and how influences of body processes are effected by witchcraft or how the spell is transferred from a witch to a victim.
Much has to do with the belief of the person effected by the spell or magic, black magic.
Many exorcisms by Catholic priests have been known to be cast by others in the realm of the satanic----we then can be hurt by words or thought messages.
What is Evil?
Dante and his journey through hell give clues as to the journey of the knowledge regarding that subject.
Also the unconscious dream regarding the mirror and the clown motif!
The clown is a major force of good and evil....
The shifting from realities is a way to mediate evil impulses or to address the shadow as Jung was a writer and theoretician of the personality and influences.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Machine world
What is Originalism... as it pertains to the Constitution and is there a formula, really?
The Matrix series states in simple terms that there is a program and there are adjustments to it by means of......
variables that are of the acceptable.
What about the unacceptable or the Future, predications!
An equation that addresses the rule may be a solution to the product.
The Matrix series states in simple terms that there is a program and there are adjustments to it by means of......
variables that are of the acceptable.
What about the unacceptable or the Future, predications!
An equation that addresses the rule may be a solution to the product.
the name of the book...Reference
There was a title on the primodial soup of which the next generation of according to the book, The Fourth Dimension, the co-evolution of humans and machines....
There is some thought that Aristotle was a mysoginist who thought that women were the necessary Frankenstein, a failure of the male principle...
Where is the thought today?
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Access without Authorization or Permission, Digital
US v. Morris, trends in cybercrime and viral anomalies of computer language.
What is a worm in the hacking problem of bio-tech crime or Crime Story?
We then look to Hecht v. Kaplan, where unauthorized blood test results were misused,
what next human sperm or .....?
Where do we come from may not be so pretty at first!
I have come to know that as in our past often credit is given to the wrong entity or person...
All brawn is still the jungle, yet the pathways are sensitive to the touch....
so just the stealing technology of credit motif is bit of a show and tell and less of
I bull on you, domination;
Who are most known.......
The closer to a singularity one gets the closer a pattern of the old guard is a factor.
Yet in Marbury v. Madison we see a different maybe unorthodox or mind you, wisdom!
Since we can now approach see a virus is there a chance to mine it without as the genetic
designer for the corporation problems, blocked by the virus........arising out of the ashes.
Is judicial review the subject or is that too much of land mine, today, for data mining?
Somehow a rule or the rule is the of the fine debate and gorilla marketing not so promising
in sensitive black hole disruption or absorption into the fabulous world of fashionable arena,
or of the circus, managerie where the poison of the glass case and spacial anomalies, concern.
What is a worm in the hacking problem of bio-tech crime or Crime Story?
We then look to Hecht v. Kaplan, where unauthorized blood test results were misused,
what next human sperm or .....?
Where do we come from may not be so pretty at first!
I have come to know that as in our past often credit is given to the wrong entity or person...
All brawn is still the jungle, yet the pathways are sensitive to the touch....
so just the stealing technology of credit motif is bit of a show and tell and less of
I bull on you, domination;
Who are most known.......
The closer to a singularity one gets the closer a pattern of the old guard is a factor.
Yet in Marbury v. Madison we see a different maybe unorthodox or mind you, wisdom!
Since we can now approach see a virus is there a chance to mine it without as the genetic
designer for the corporation problems, blocked by the virus........arising out of the ashes.
Is judicial review the subject or is that too much of land mine, today, for data mining?
Somehow a rule or the rule is the of the fine debate and gorilla marketing not so promising
in sensitive black hole disruption or absorption into the fabulous world of fashionable arena,
or of the circus, managerie where the poison of the glass case and spacial anomalies, concern.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
What is the news?
I was talking about an alternative universe.
There is the thought that there are many, sometimes colliding as in black holes, tiny ones; as in the case going to the Supreme Court for Conferemce next Monday...
The alternative parallel is also an indication of the universal potential, the human race!
If one, can in major concentration do so, as has been proven by the method I developed then there is a precedent and it is time to
figure the new physics into the laws!
How can that happen, the audience begins to talk and still, what about the First Amendment?
There is the thought that there are many, sometimes colliding as in black holes, tiny ones; as in the case going to the Supreme Court for Conferemce next Monday...
The alternative parallel is also an indication of the universal potential, the human race!
If one, can in major concentration do so, as has been proven by the method I developed then there is a precedent and it is time to
figure the new physics into the laws!
How can that happen, the audience begins to talk and still, what about the First Amendment?
Monday, September 23, 2013
1000 Games!
What is game theory? According to Tron the movie, there were programs and users and games!
The main character Jeff Bridges was an the inventor of a game where a universe actually began to exist.
Was he extremely insane or a hero and a Zen philosopher as was presented in the movie?
How do alternative universes play out really? The Teleplay that has become a way, an
outline by way of stories which can actually translate to neuron development in a very precise way.
This is one of the questions of the lawsuit, Taurus v. Social Security Administration.
Yet, Has anyone seen an alternative universe?
One news item recently is that Obama is now relying on the entertainment industry to fight for the so
called fledging Healthcare bill to begin in October. He believes that they celebrities have that much
influence on our ability to somehow support the initiative for a health spanning a new procedure.
Is it an alternative really and does it bring about a new type of health idea or delivery or include more
of the population? Is it anything new or addressing that UN statistic as to how population on the is
growing by rapid rates unknown to the historical measures.
The alternative universe may be that the influence of such powerful medicators as the Hollywood
scene coaxing one into more of a false reality!
Game theory and the gambler are also a well known mathematical concept to somehow be
surrounded with, the angry and the influenced by those of an elite power ball.
Does Obama just happen to be calling on the California area as he called upon the Colorado game?
It feels like a machine around me is operating at full swing this last week before Conference!
I may be advocating so, but the universe I am witnessing, regarding this administration and their
choice of playing by rules is more like a facist approach and within this game of crush the civil rights
of a one who dares to question him in any way is the crush target!
The main character Jeff Bridges was an the inventor of a game where a universe actually began to exist.
Was he extremely insane or a hero and a Zen philosopher as was presented in the movie?
How do alternative universes play out really? The Teleplay that has become a way, an
outline by way of stories which can actually translate to neuron development in a very precise way.
This is one of the questions of the lawsuit, Taurus v. Social Security Administration.
Yet, Has anyone seen an alternative universe?
One news item recently is that Obama is now relying on the entertainment industry to fight for the so
called fledging Healthcare bill to begin in October. He believes that they celebrities have that much
influence on our ability to somehow support the initiative for a health spanning a new procedure.
Is it an alternative really and does it bring about a new type of health idea or delivery or include more
of the population? Is it anything new or addressing that UN statistic as to how population on the is
growing by rapid rates unknown to the historical measures.
The alternative universe may be that the influence of such powerful medicators as the Hollywood
scene coaxing one into more of a false reality!
Game theory and the gambler are also a well known mathematical concept to somehow be
surrounded with, the angry and the influenced by those of an elite power ball.
Does Obama just happen to be calling on the California area as he called upon the Colorado game?
It feels like a machine around me is operating at full swing this last week before Conference!
I may be advocating so, but the universe I am witnessing, regarding this administration and their
choice of playing by rules is more like a facist approach and within this game of crush the civil rights
of a one who dares to question him in any way is the crush target!
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Fall has begun...
I said goodbye to summer yuesterday with a large Coke and a walk in the Pico area of upper downtown where I had a new lunch item and saw some more murals...
My vacation is over and I live in L.A, not bad; still travel or nomadic lifestyle sees the movement in habitation of the art of the city!
I was writing during lunch on bright a Mexican tablecloth about some of the law books one called Ecstasy another about psychoanalysis and myth, when I remembered about the design of a Hab!
A U.N. magazine had a picture of a yurt tent used by the Mongoliens! And it had a solar panel. I thought about an isolated place in Utah with the same spacial moon-like isolation and I would like to have the same energy efficient off=the=grid habitation, later in life!
For now it is my hotel room and daily writing, as my bread and dreaming of the man named Rock; or dream-timing.
Stay tuned for his Teleplay, for subscribers only!
My vacation is over and I live in L.A, not bad; still travel or nomadic lifestyle sees the movement in habitation of the art of the city!
I was writing during lunch on bright a Mexican tablecloth about some of the law books one called Ecstasy another about psychoanalysis and myth, when I remembered about the design of a Hab!
A U.N. magazine had a picture of a yurt tent used by the Mongoliens! And it had a solar panel. I thought about an isolated place in Utah with the same spacial moon-like isolation and I would like to have the same energy efficient off=the=grid habitation, later in life!
For now it is my hotel room and daily writing, as my bread and dreaming of the man named Rock; or dream-timing.
Stay tuned for his Teleplay, for subscribers only!
Friday, September 20, 2013
There is a book on the NORSE, tablets!
They are quite Neanderthal and so very unique.
I think they are an indication of Venus, shining!
The horror story, or ghost of the newly revitialized is a re-visioning.
I hope the Durango troupe are at the cowboy faire, by now and the rodeo in full swing.
These tablets or codices are they for REAL!
exciting.... NEWS.....
I think they are an indication of Venus, shining!
The horror story, or ghost of the newly revitialized is a re-visioning.
I hope the Durango troupe are at the cowboy faire, by now and the rodeo in full swing.
These tablets or codices are they for REAL!
exciting.... NEWS.....
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
More on cutting edge-----law and syndrome for the statistical differentials...
The law seems to be the most cutting edge prospect for change and even there the probabilities for everything to be in the order that is of the flight plan that is of a nature to surmount the difficulties in the field of assessment psychology or the diagnosis and prognosis, fair to better!
There is no field as yet that predicts genome outcomes, subject of 13-5480!
In reading over Congresssional Reviews there is such a norm for compromise based on feeding the machine of business as usual, where everything is not for overall success but a piecemeal of debts and promises based on the political motivations, of selfish and never an overall plan which is about what is called for not what greases the wheels at least for the natural evolutionary gain as a species.
It is the first time that the human stature can consciously in benefit of progress make law that is conscious!
The theft of everything is the theft of everything and a gain not ever; but the power base is a hungry lot and they have no design, just like a barracuda, sharp teeth and no brain, for the need!
In Oh Pioneer, the West had to be won and so a design was there already. What if one has to be made? The synthetic won't do!
There is no field as yet that predicts genome outcomes, subject of 13-5480!
In reading over Congresssional Reviews there is such a norm for compromise based on feeding the machine of business as usual, where everything is not for overall success but a piecemeal of debts and promises based on the political motivations, of selfish and never an overall plan which is about what is called for not what greases the wheels at least for the natural evolutionary gain as a species.
It is the first time that the human stature can consciously in benefit of progress make law that is conscious!
The theft of everything is the theft of everything and a gain not ever; but the power base is a hungry lot and they have no design, just like a barracuda, sharp teeth and no brain, for the need!
In Oh Pioneer, the West had to be won and so a design was there already. What if one has to be made? The synthetic won't do!
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